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The Second Batch of Advanced New Media Development Delegation of Mongolia in 2016 Visits China Time:2016/11/01

From November 14 to 20, 2016, at the invitation of CFPD, led by Gangbayar.G, the Secretary-general of Khangarid Association, the second batch of the advanced new media development delegation 0f 15 people of Mongolia visited China. The delegation mainly consists of chiefs from 10 Mongolian TV stations, like TV5 TV, V TV, MN25 TV, TM TV, Gold Eagle TV, and Ulaanbaatar TV.

During their visit in Beijing, the delegation deeply exchanged opinions with their counterparts from CCTV Development Research Center and Time Sea Film & Culture Ltd. on the status quo and prospects of China's TV media industry, the whole industry chain model of film and television creation industry, the editing and production of Chinese TV programs, the production of advanced technology, and the combination of TV media and new media. The delegation has also visited CCTV, headquarters, Blue Ocean TV, LeTV and so on. In addition to Beijing, the delegation went to Shanghai to visit and talk with the heads of Shanghai Fanku Culture Media Co., Ltd. on the development of Internet movies.